[Freedombox-discuss] Sunday HackFest

Helmut Pozimski mailinglist at pozimski.eu
Wed Feb 23 21:20:20 UTC 2011

Am Mittwoch 23 Februar 2011, 21:45:43 schrieb Thomas Doczkal:
> On 21.02.2011 23:51, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> I think Sheeva has no fan and apparently gets too
> > hot. Guru has a fan that apparently sounds like a 24x7 hair dryer.
> > 
> > More hardware is mentioned
> > here http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TargetedHardware
> I think I need a device which is not getting hot and is fan less or at
> least has a fan which is nearly silent.
> I'll wait for reports before I buy a device. Meanwhile I will use my
> Fritz!Box and install tor there. Should be possible although I have not
> done this before.
I run a sheevaplug as my personal freedombox for some time now. It is 
installed with Debian squeeze and runs all the services I need (web, dns, 
mail, groupware, tor, nfs) In general it runs great, it only gets warm not hot 
when running and I didn't have any problems with it so far. 

I see two main problems with the device. The internal memory is pretty small 
and even if the freedombox software fits within 512 MB when it's released, you 
won't have much space left to install additional software or store data. 
Installing the OS on a SD card is possible but read/write performance could be 
much better so you probably wouldn't want to store much data here either. The 
second one is that the power supply seems to be too week to power exernal hard 
drives over USB and would break eventually. I didn't want to try that one but 
there are many reports in the forums about that. I worked around that issue by 
using an additional USB power supply. 

One thing you might also want to keep an eye on for freedom box hardware is 
the DreamPlug[1] which seems to be an overall improved and extended version of 
the sheevaplug.


[1]: http://newit.co.uk/shop/proddetail.php?prod=DreamPlug
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