[Freedombox-discuss] email recommendations?

Thomas Lord lord at emf.net
Fri Feb 25 03:49:48 UTC 2011

I have a narrow topic question ... not the usual 
"big picture" stuff.  Anyone want to help 
brainstorm about:

Let's assume that in Freedombox 1.0 - ready
in maybe 6 months? - we have an initial solution
for email service.  So the box serves SMTP
and, I guess, it serves POP and/or IMAP and,
over HTTP, some email client.

Let's not immediately assume encryption stuff
has to be working (unless it's really easy)
but let's assume it has to get working ASAP.
We can release without it but it shouldn't be far
behind, so to speak.

It has to be freakin' easy to administer.

The MUA has to be appealing but we might 
bicker about exactly what that means.

Spam protection, blah blah.  

Let's assume for now ordinary DNS based
mail addresses.  We can get fancier
after the basics are up.


What's the right stack for that part?

How do we pick? 

What does administration of it look like?

What is the user experience like?

How does the stack evolve over time?

I don't expect perfect and final answers to 
these questions -- I'm just trying to understand
how the group approaches questions like this.
I don't expect to establish any group 
consensus at this point -- I'm just trying to 
get a sense of how we're all thinking about
questions like that.  (I have my own half-baked
answers to the questions but I don't think they
are interesting.)

Regards, all,

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