[Freedombox-discuss] Relationship driven privacy

John Walsh fiftyfour at waldevin.com
Sat Jul 2 15:55:30 UTC 2011


> From: J David Eisenberg [mailto:jdavid.eisenberg at gmail.com] 
> You might also want to investigate Friendika (1); I'm running 
> a Friendika server (2), and it also allows groups, though I 
> haven't worked with them extensively. The Friendika protocol 
> is documented and in the public domain (3)
> (1) http://project.friendika.com/
> (2) http://friendika.dsn-test.com/
> (3) http://info.dfrn.org/ and http://dfrn.org/dfrn2.pdf

Thanks for the links. The Friendika features are quite impressive for a 1
year old project. I read the protocol documentation until it got too
technical for me. I created an account to see a clean UI with plenty of
features. I haven't played with it that much but initial impressions are

Friendika's documentation makes a good point that all communications do not
need to be reciprocal. Boy gives a girl his number allowing the girl to call
him, but the boy cannot call the girl until she gives him permission(her
number). I never thought of that use case.

The Friendika documentation states that distribution is limited to friends
of friends with a license attached (nice) and you can revoke your content
from people on a dfrn network node. I like that a content owner can revoke
their publications from people on the dfrn network. 

However, I was concerned with Friendika's claim that they protect your
privacy after having connected to the Facebook network in a recent release
and now the project is created a fork that will not connect to other

Another concern for me is the project has a BSD license. Does this make it
incompatible with the freedombox project? Which licences does the freedombox

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