[Freedombox-discuss] Establishing Communication between Freedomboxes

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Sun Jul 3 18:39:02 UTC 2011

>> Every freedombox has some unique identifier or even a profile whitch
>> could be so " annonymous"  as the user  want,
>> it could be like a Vcard, avatar/profilepict , with public keys,
>> tags, information about the user what he "likes" or is "interested"
>> in. Remember it should be social !! ....;)
> This Freedombox unique identifier could be a dedicated GnuPG key. In  
> fact,
> * Each Freedombox could own several GnuPG key.
> * Each Freedombox GnuPG key can have several UIDs, describing what  
> services
>   are available under this Freedombox name.
> * This service UID would be signed by the GnuPG keys of its users.
> * A Freedombox user has several GnuPG key, one per identity.
> * An identity can use services from several different Freedomboxes.
> * Signing a Freedombox service UID with one of her identity GnuPG key
>   advertises how it can be contacted (i.e has signed the
>   https://some.freedombox.org service GnuPG key UID, where her  
> webpages are
>   hosted)..
> * Using the GnuPG key "keyserver" preference, users can define if this
>   identity is public (and so uses the sks keyservers pool), or part  
> of a
>   private community (and thus designate a private sks server).
> This is a very rough idea, so there might be downsides or issues,  
> but it
> sounds like a possible area where to dig.

sound very good to me

What about DHT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table
Seems to be implemented in many applications
Apache Cassandra
BitTorrent DHT – based on Kademlia as provided by Khashmir[13]
CAN (Content Addressable Network)
What i try  to say is we dont need just another DNS, or another social  
webserver for the exchange of
webbased information by pulling it via a cronjob from facebook or  
we need a ,secure , distribiuted ? signature mechanism and a realtime  
routing protocol whitch gives us the option for a
peer to peer routing between the freedomboxes if we need or like to.

>> A Hybrid P2P/Infrastructure Platform for Personal  and Social
>> Internet Services http://research.nokia.com/files/pimrc08-camera.pdf



P.S .Apple just annouced AirDrop

AirDrop allows you to wirelessly and simply transfer files between  
nearby!!  Macs,
running Lion, and actually does not require !!! users to be on the  
same WiFi network.


--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
blog: http://let.de
twitter: http://twitter.com/macbroadcast/
facebook : http://opencu.tk

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