[Freedombox-discuss] Relationship driven privacy

Henry Story henry.story at bblfish.net
Tue Jul 5 06:17:06 UTC 2011

On 4 Jul 2011, at 15:50, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

>>> You dont need AX (attribute exchane), just use the HTML5 data
>>> layer, which should be fine if freedom box is hosting a web server.
>> I looked at WebID a year ago and thought the idea was simple and brillant.
>> However, at the time, I thought WebID had an ugly interface (due to
>> Firefox), there was no Persona's (AX) option, it wasn't clear to me what
>> happens when a certificate expires and it wasn't widely used. What has
>> changed?

Well Chrome has a much better interface now, for example. But it could be a lot
better still. Please also vote on this bug report:

But again user interface issues are not what is stopping people here building  a wholly new stack. The UI is good enough to get going. Getting the browser vendors to improve their UI can be done either by helping out or by putting some pressure on them. And one way to put pressure is to show how useful client side certs can be with WebID by implementing cool services that use it. You need to work your way around some of the UI issues. But that is just what engineering is about. It's not that complicated.
> Hopefully this video gives an overview of where things are.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnoRQZCL9I4  (from http://webid,info )

It's also in ogg format on http://webid.info/ embedded in html5. It shows
exactly what the issue that WebID has. And in fact it turns out that it is the
same problem cookies have: you can't see what identity you are using in your
browser. This is a political issue that needs to be fought to give the users
the ability to see what their persona is - be it with cookies or certificates.

> The WebID incubator group is working with browser vendors to fix bugs.

yes, but we really need people to put pressure on the vendors. They won't fix
anything by themselves.

> Here's one it would be helpful to vote up:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=396441

Social Web Architect

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