[Freedombox-discuss] Freedom Box as the server for other projects' protocols

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 03:45:11 UTC 2011

>  Neither, both.  Freedom Box should be capable of being a
>  Diaspora node, and also be capable of being a DFRN server.

i think so,
for example FreedomBox Foundation have the power to encourage XMPP networks use,
make a distributed Search stack based on something like
and ..profit!

But it seems not fair for networks who don't use/like XMPP
and not efficient for evolution of FSW generally,

(let's name it, people on W3C doing a fair
amount of work to sum-up and make a Web federated, as a "highest instance" of
Internet - W3C, in the end, takes a responsibility on open and
re-useful Web schemes
to be widely used, given the p2p in browser initiative - supported by
W3C for defending
the same principals - FreedomBox Foundation is for (from what i'v heard)
also - http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-ccxml-20110705/
kind of work;
i think - Foundation should work back-to-back with W3C at least in certain areas
as browser based p2p is an easiest way to help the goals of Freedom even on
systems that won't use GNU/Linux, FreedomBoxes could easily be a
desirable hosters
and trusties for these and other web apps as first of all -
Proprietary Cloud is Apps Cloud)

I think - what is particularly great in Debian project is diversity of
distributives based on it,
but - another particular strength of Debian at least with FreedomBox
initiative - is an ideological emphasis
on Freedom (including Privacy and Security) and defense of it. That
introduces the path.

but there are many ways (you know):

- making a FreedomBox distributive for one social network protocol
with one persistence model
- another network another model
- "dissident" mode dist
- "provider" dist
- "track me fully, i love you" mode dist
- "i use only GNU" dist
- "i want non-track-able AugmentedReality!"
- Ultimate FreedomBox in bullet-proof environment.

Approach of a "buy 4GFreedomBox for your garage" is good for someone.
Plug-server (i hope not - under the bed)
Approach of Construct; Install; Decide; is good for someone.
Approach of pre-installed package is good..
Approach of FBox  from  Cloud...

all these have many potential users,
i see,
and many - may need a specific codebase.

Another variant for people who would make a hardware Boxes that
compatible with next level of Freedom needs:
Portable FreedomBoxes > Wireless Boxes

Portable + Wireless = Mobile FreedomBoxes!
that one is particularly important as mobiles is where is the
worst situation now.

For a Packaging of FreedomBox i see

1. A viable variant in which every social network initiative
and other biggest formed "groups of interest"
providing a help for their own "dist",
and core-base of dists are all provisioned by experienced
GNU/Debian/FBX contributors.
That dists - finally - would be used by people that have completed
requirements with their existing personal computer - instead of their
normal Debian/Ubuntu's etc.
These may be configured for a key-switch full-featured run while computer is
"unused", elastic use of computing power and network power in other cases.

In a few years, i think - computing power would be completely enough
to run a pretty full-featured software Box in background,
on every-day basis for Freedom believers, even on netbooks, tablets and mobiles.
Particularly mobiles - that need a GNU/Linux anyway to be normal
computers, not a closed boxes like they are now
(i could elaborate widely - why either - Android and iOS aren't a nice
decisions for FreedomBox goals, not mentioning HP and MS work,
and why is so important - particularly for FBoxes to encourage a
GNU/Linux for mobiles, but You, probably, know
it already).

So - making a dist which not only with Free soft but with pro-active
Free soft would be useful.

2. Another variant is package for an usual GNU/Linux distributives.
However some things like a speedy Tor requires decisions like in Tails
so - just a package for existing Ubuntu wouldn't be enough and, given
the possibly incompatible base-design patterns - FreedomBox Foundation should
discuss with all major Debian-based dists (since the plan as i know -
to use (exclusively?) - Debian base),
so - Foundation would see if there a possibility to just make a ppa
packages for such kind of use,
encourage some changes (may not be so hard) if not..

>From what i see - better to use both approaches - for different or
similar purposes.

I propose - decide on Highly important offers -
create a Voting system without auth an other and
promote it everywhere so "mankind could decide"

for me the most important
Distributed Search stack (it could be great,
finally - it could be possible!)
and Distributed hosting (by that
- distributed back-end for social and
other soft systems, decoupling data from soft)

that would be included in every possible
FreedomBox - used with ID system
(that would possibly need - to be one and best,
however - it seems not real so - better - few and good)

and give other abilities like - use this or that social network  - for
a distributives of choice, but authoritately push the Federation,
ofc. ;)

As  said in many sources - a project need to have a strict position to
have a face and force.
so maybe - you - FreedomBox board - would - essentially - decide to
XMPP or not, for example,
but it would be much more interesting to create a Voting system where
IT world if not every user(if
you won't be able to make a very good poll) - would show their
position - depending on country etc.
by that - many things would be much more clear.

PS: Excuse me for bloating the topic but i think - the protocol
variety decisions are relative to dist and hardware packaging.

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