[Freedombox-discuss] Discussion system for FreedomBox Foundation

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 05:05:39 UTC 2011

There are so many variants and ideas that need to
be brainstormed with people who would actually
use FreedomBox software and hardware,
still - don't bother and probably - won't join
mailing lists or lurk through wiki.

Mailing lists aren't a solution for a wide discussion,
even with Google Groups client -  it isn't.
Nor forums or wiki's.

i prefer etherpad as it is open for every-one Now
and proven by time,
moinmoin wiki FBX's use - isn't good for brainstorm discussion, even MediaWiki
often fails in particular areas. Redesign not often helps,

So - i recommend to transfer a discussion from list/IRC/Wiki to
something like Etherpad (Wave?)
for real-time wide and productive discussion with a nice persistence,
Etherpad has it's flaws, however - too many discussions here that could
be just organized in a structured discussion with a presence like a
wiki in terms
of usability. You'll need to set-up a full etherpad with tag search
etc. but it's
straight-forward and fast as i remember and that would be rewarded..
(Sadly - Wave like systems still - aren't here for production, and,
other - won't give the
needed real-time experience, i think so,
however - they are 2 steps near - so - if anybody willing to offer a
help to quickly up some
Wave Wiki for FreedomBox - please - mail me)

 I propose - make a use of  some ERP (FusionForge.org i see) that you
usually use for project management,
please, look at http://www.freecloudalliance.org/news-UNG.Debut based
on ERP-5 that,
actually would be more powerful, and code-base worth a decoupling. I
propose as much GitHub as possible.. nothing personal,
open-source community interaction - matters, Trac doesn't help it.
That's i'm talking about some non GNU/Linux projects of-course.
Like a browser i have proposed in "[Freedombox-discuss] Freedom Box
client device software" topic.

and - use a dynamic system like Etherpad - for discussion, after
awhile it turns like a cute system that does the job.
You could think that it isn't really maintainable and everybody could
prank and vandalize it, i think - the benefits
of editing without registration are more than it's disadvantages.

"We have a Diaspora account and a Facebook page." "Twitter" and "Identi.ca"
all are require registration, adaptation.
Neither - helps the situation.

PS: at least - please - don't use IRC and such a variety of systems like now,
that's all have proven to be hard to maintain
given the need of final - growing of Wiki that - many
people would use to track the situation - but - feedback is
where a problem in wiki,
well, i hope - what i am talking about
would make a sense for someone here,

as this project is, obviously, a far more public related than Debian itself.

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