[Freedombox-discuss] Working with W3C Federated Social Web

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 19:03:34 UTC 2011

> Freedombox is a bigger project than a Web project, but hopefully it
> will leverage the Web aspect for its users, as much as possible.
yes, that's why i named the topic "Working with.."

Another point is - web browser developers that can suit our needs - like Mozilla
now have - all that's needed for start Web OS's named browsers, there
are already - like http://clinked.com/webian/pages/webian_os_base
could be for Debian ;) I'v seen a built with it, could post here if
any interested.
It's a young project but Chrome OS is another, pretty underestimated competitor
for proprietary cloud, you'll see.

And - better portability than with browser apps we won't have anytime
soon, i guess.
So - bringing the attention to FreedomBox project(s) - by developing a clients,
web clients, in-browser clients  for FreedomBox internals, maybe *even* controls
 - that's what could be the
really mass-oriented strategy.
I think FBox is a bit late and it have  no time for
developing another cross-platform clients anyway.

TAC - please tell - am i wrong?

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