[Freedombox-discuss] Working Groups - VISUAL IDENTITY

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 19:37:57 UTC 2011

i want, i could help, however,
my time-lines is like in W3C - one working
day per week :)

I think - for the topic - also, it means UI-UX designers
from the used projects that contribute, could work
on the FreedomBox reference theme, even
in initial stages - because - they'r only who
could surely know what UI and UX would need their project.

I mean -
like - gathering help  from all the contributing
client-usable soc-nets, clouds etc. projects;
( along
with native possibilities for theming everything like whatever, ofc.)

I think -
it encourages the development of unity among all/whole the project's teams
in the FreedomBox initiative, along with developing of needed discipline
to follow, at least (for start:) - in design - HIG's that FreedomBox
branding team
should in one or other way - introduce.

I'm, again, need to promote - please - use easy, probably, anonymous
voting systems
that would help to make a social oriented decisions in FBox project.

PS: someone could start with providing a one - usable and catchy
shortname/alias for FreedomBox, i think.

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