[Freedombox-discuss] Working Groups and commercial tools

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 20:44:03 UTC 2011

> How much separation do people see between the data ownership and
> social bits of the box?

i see - most of the participants hope that FBox will help in Leaving The Cloud,
particularly - centralized one. Not only - introducing FLOSS cloud but -
try to make a decentralized and own controlled as possible. So
persistence  could/should be like a cloud - maybe torrent like variant,
if it's something like Freenet replacement and local storage could be proposed
to identity storage - in the end - we'll know - our systems and could make them
hardly crawled and without a man-in-the-middle duplication,
and - at least - storing it's own identity file - people's can
leverage on their
own storage space, not even in the FBox cloud.

> 2) Data Ownership (Application)
can't understand what do you mean here,
could you please - elaborate?

if Application to work strictly with
their own Data:

I think - we - really - should - finally - make a system
where the data and app would be separated, and data
could be - in best of  semantic web ideology and advancement
of it - reused in other applications - that's i, likely, describe for
web apps, i don't know much about POSIX , some "internal-system-data"
reusing, but i know about web and it should be reused if accord to what W3C
is trying now, among - enormous amount of other's work on the subject.
 Moreover - i think it Should be push-able, not pullable essentially,

there are many FreedomBox like(by freedom idea) initiatives in  of
resource sharing, opening and transferring
the data to CC like domains,
some, even from
 so in better world - we could easily do what Google has failed (IMO,
as always) for
in academical realm research, everyday "dummy"-usable data analytic,
visualization, transformation,
There are now initiatives like
and far, far more, in all categories of science, in most spheres of life,
because - such a re-usability is what - all mankind needs, i believe
and could prove by facts.

> I also much agree that an instance of etherpad would be quite useful.
for a start, i think so, later - we could - doing the FBox project -
use it's own new tools
for own needs - nice conception.
 There are dozen of good variants for concurrent work,
besides Etherpad, however - it's the right-here-now and has a nice conception,
so - could be very useful.

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