[Freedombox-discuss] is a distributed search engine (e.g. YaCy) to be part of the FB package?

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 03:06:56 UTC 2011

there far more than YaCy
to distributed search,
i'm really disappointed that

> We've always considered search to be somewhat beyond
> the scope of the FreedomBox

as if in any system - FreedomBox seems best for it,
in Plugs or not.

using DDG or Scroogle - isn't Leaving the Cloud
and i'v though - Leaving the Cloud
was the major point of FreedomBox,
really - sad news, for me,

as i know Search is hard, but there are options,
like push-streams search, distriuted p2p client crawling
with only - indexing in boxes etc. that - at least
could serve the bit of net freedom-ly

and in the end - hard - isn't in any way impossible,

"some folks" wouldn't do the best that FreedomBox engineers could do,
i guess, if ever would gather to be capable.

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