[Freedombox-discuss] Working Groups

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 17:30:34 UTC 2011

James Vasile wrote:
> Thanks to everybody for pitching in on the Working Group discussion.  If
> you want to work on something and it's not covered by the groups below,
> please tell me and we'll make it happen.

I would like investigate solutions to sharing the
ownership of physical infrastructure, even including
whether users could co-own the hardware for Clouds
in Freedom-Preserving datacenters.

There are sometimes great benefits to sharing the
ownership of things like a communication satellite.

If the users themselves could buy and co-own the
material assets required for the things they need,
there would never be any more begging owners to do
the right thing, for the customer and vendor are
then one and the same.

Patrick Anderson
Economic Systems Debugger

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