[Freedombox-discuss] the FreedomBox 'bump' challenge

Stefano Maffulli stefano at maffulli.net
Tue Jun 14 04:30:10 UTC 2011

hello folks,

Exchanging public keys and signing them is still a complicated matter
for normal users. As part of the development of FreedomBox we are
thinking of a simple way to establish trust and enable two people talk
to each other through secure cryptographic means.

One possible scenario is the following: User Jane meets her friend Ken,
they 'bump' their phones and by doing so they exchange not only their
private information (vcard, GPG keys) but also establish a high degree
of digital identity trust. The updated status of 'trust' can be then
transmitted back from the phone to their respective FreedomBoxes,
securing future communication between Jane and Ken.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Would you be interested in hacking
on such project? 


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