[Freedombox-discuss] blogging in the FB (was Re: Roadmap Brainstorming)

Yannick sevmek at free.fr
Fri Mar 18 10:41:45 UTC 2011

Le vendredi 18 mars 2011 à 09:05 +0100, Lorenzo a écrit :
> Il 18/03/2011 01:40, Les Orchard ha scritto:
> > On 3/17/11 7:04 PM, ian at churchkey.org wrote:
> >> On 03/17/2011 06:40 PM, Les Orchard wrote:
> >>> OpenID provider?
> >> There's a nice wordpress plugin for that if we're building blogging in.
> >
> > FWIW, if blogging is built in - or some form of web publishing - it 
> > should be something that doesn't necessarily rely on exposing an 
> > always-on PHP server to the world. That is, maybe not Wordpress but 
> > something like Jekyll that produces plain static HTML pages.
> >
> I completely agree: when possible the "active" behavior of webpages 
> should be implemented in JS (client side). In general however I think 
> that as most services as possible should be accessible only to 
> authenticated users. This would cut significantly the possibility of 
> hacking random fb with a worm.

Advanced content manager systems using PHP or other langages do care
about this issue since long. 

e.g. I'm using Drupal for a website with the boost module which serve
statics and even gziped pages in case of anonymous browsing (it is a
caching system), still it allow the use of PHP/MySQL if you need
advanced feature like logging, editing and so on.

see: http://drupal.org/project/boost

Usability is still a concern with this particular setup. But there is no
need to drop PHP/MySQL, we already have good technical solution for the
scaling issue.

I use it here: http://www.ekiga.org/
It serve static HTML for most visitors, still you can login (hidden
feature) and edit using PHP/MySQL and have the full power of drupal at
hand :)

Best regards,

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