[Freedombox-discuss] "Promotion and Visual Identity"

JOSEFSSON Erik erik.josefsson at europarl.europa.eu
Sat Nov 5 08:02:15 UTC 2011

On 11/03/2011 08:01 PM, Weaver wrote:

	I like the bumble bee, even though I haven't seen one in decades.

I see a couple of bees in the summer. Butterflies more seldom.

I find the butterfly a bit abstract. And a hard square box on its back kind of contradicts its fragility. It's a quite complex composition I'd say.

What I just love with the adorable little gnu pony jumping out of the cardboard box is exactly that it conveys the joyful feeling of being both curious and innocent ("Hey this is fun, I'm looking for friends to play with!") and carries connotations of protection, parenthood and even domestic nurturing. I can visualise an animated video with an old unix beard gnu helping the little newborn get out of the box just closing my eyes.

I heard Vasile say "naïve users" a couple of times in his (wonderful) speech from Graz. Here's a quote*:

	"Key management doesn't work, especially if your use-case is home users, naive end-users."

So "home" and "naïve" seem to me to be the space to look for visual identity.

There is also a strong dependency on "close relations" and (the debian web of) "trust"**, which is basically touching family values:

	"So the types of things we can do once we assume we have close relations as opposed to arms-length relations, the types of things we can do when we trust each other a little bit and we trust our boxes a little bit[...]"

So I'd go for a mammal :-)


*) at 37:44
**) at 44:41

Erik Josefsson
Advisor on Internet Policies
Greens/EFA Group <http://www.greens-efa.eu/36-details/josefsson-erik-138.html> 
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