[Freedombox-discuss] "What is a distributed social network" - the visual novel

Markus Sabadello markus.sabadello at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 17:21:36 UTC 2011

Oh wow this is really great :)
Both fun, and very informative for newbies..

Project Danube: http://projectdanube.org
European Peace University: http://www.epu.ac.at

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:44 AM, J David Eisenberg <
jdavid.eisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> http://dsn-test.com/dsn-vn
> I updated the comic to be a web-based visual novel rather than a PDF
> file. All the "dialog" is in a JavaScript file, so it's easier to
> modify or translate.
> Comments/questions/opinions welcome.
> The engine that drives the visual novel is at
> https://github.com/jdeisenberg/js-vine, and it could be used for a
> visual novel that discusses FreedomBox in more detail.  (If anyone has
> an outline of topics, I can take a stab at writing a script.)
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