[Freedombox-discuss] An offer to the Freedombox community

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 15:41:22 UTC 2011

On 13 November 2011 16:25, Joshua Spodek <joshuaspodek at yahoo.com> wrote:
> As posted here: http://joshuaspodek.com/an-offer-freedombox-community
> My post on how Freedombox’s pursuit of perfection is undermining its
> goals --
> http://joshuaspodek.com/freedomboxs-pursuit-perfection-undermines-goals
> -- prompted some discussion. Hearing how people the Freedombox community
> wants to help end up supporting products we see as non-Free jolted my
> system. I believe constructive criticism helps, but my desire to
> contribute more led to the offer below.
> One person’s response got me thinking about how I, as someone who
> doesn't write much software, can help.
>        Diaspora is a decent example. They released something buggy,
>        with minimal functionality, reasonably early on… yes, they were
>        criticized for it’s quality at the time, but it got people using
>        it (those who could get an invite / understand they go go
>        elsewhere, anyway) and today they’re by far the largest free
>        socnet alternative.
> Diaspora has a long way to go to succeed, but it has a product out
> there. Why did it release something while Freedombox hasn't?
> Bdale Garbee wrote
>        The services that work today *are* released, and are widely
>        distributed in the Debian mirror network. Anyone who wants to
>        stand up some or all of the services that have been discussed
>        here need only find a cast-off machine, install Debian, and have
>        at it using the notes various folks have contributed to on the
>        wiki.
> I respectfully feel like he described the situation before Eben first
> presented the project and suggested we could complete the project
> quickly. It suggests the Debian community is better at packaging what
> others first create and informing each other of what pieces are out
> there. Important, but not what the project needs now.
> I believe projects work when one person or a small number of people
> dedicate themselves to doing it themselves. I also believe a sole
> developer out there, or maybe a small group, wants to create a working
> Freedombox and has the programming and packaging skills to do it, but
> also has other challenges they need other resources to overcome.

It's a valid point.  This reminds me of the 'cathedral vs the bazaar'
approach of, release early, release often.


I guess one question is: do you want to risk releasing something
that's not fully secure, in an effort to get it out quickly?

> Based on these beliefs, I will put my time where my mouth is and offer
> my time to one person or small group working toward releasing a working,
> however minimally, Freedombox to bring it to release. I’d like to free
> them from whatever project-related tasks are keeping them from
> programming and packaging. Or to provide or help find necessary
> resources.
> My time is limited but my motivation and ability to find other resources
> are great. I’m happy to work one on one, in person, remotely, whatever.
> I can work as a project manager or guy Friday; you can be my boss or I
> can be yours; ... whatever will help the project best. I can help
> motivate if that will help best or find other people who can solve
> problems we can’t. You get the idea.
> If you are someone capable of creating a minimally working Freedombox
> and could use help, email me and let’s figure out if I can help you
> complete the project. If you are someone not capable to complete the
> project but similarly motivated, maybe you could offer your services
> too.
> I came up with the idea while reading responses to my earlier
> constructive criticism. I don’t know how much the offer will help, so if
> someone can think of a better way for me to offer my services, please
> let me know.
> Josh
> www.joshuaspodek.com
> P.S. Sorry for the long message
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