[Freedombox-discuss] micropayment transaction via freedombox /not Bitcoin

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Sun Oct 2 15:23:26 UTC 2011

On Oct 2, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Timur Mehrvarz wrote:
> For a new "QR verification" activity to appear in the PGP-key's "Apply
> action..." menu (based on mime type), the activity needs to be  
> specified
> like this in it's AndroidManifest.xml:
> <activity android:name=".QrPgpKeyVerificationActivity"
>          android:label="QR PGP key verification">
> <intent-filter>
>  <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
>  <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
>  <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
>  <data android:mimeType="application/pgp"/>
> </intent-filter>
> </activity>
> The activity can get access to the path of the selected (received) key
> file like so:
>  intent = getIntent()
>  receivedKeyUri = intent.getData()
>  receivedKeyPath = receivedKeyUri.getPath()
> It can get the path of the users own public PGP key file (from the
> current send folder) like so:
>  bundle = intent.getExtras()
>  sendKeyPath = bundle.getString("sendKeyFile")

hello timur,yall,  sorry for hijacking the thread

i am following these interesting discusion,  and  i am sure sending   
currency , virtual or real money , is one of the biggest goals
in the next years and  i understand all the tremendous effords  banks  
and  hardware manufacturer spend in establishing
such a  (nearfield) exchange technology. (You see what happened after  
the banking crisis and the fear from the goverment about bitcoin.)

But more practical, i  cant create enough bitcoins on a device with  
0.6 or 1,2 GHZ and i need to be carefull with my power resources anyway,
and In our case all freedombox devices are distributed around the  
globe in a freedombox grid , would´nt it be possible to adopt these  
mechanism for exchange of micro payment/currency  via ip  for example ?

Even facebook has his own credit API https://github.com/facebook/credits-api-sample 
    and google wallet  is comming up   http://www.google.com/wallet/   
and Paypal bought a mobile payment provider


I remember there is a company who established such a system in africa,  
so money transaction via a mobile without the needs of a bankaccount.
could be  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-Pesa ?



--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
blog: http://let.de
project : http://stattfernsehen.com
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