[Freedombox-discuss] identicons are not strong crypto [was: Re: Tap-to-share PGP key exchange]

Michael Rogers m-- at gmx.com
Mon Oct 3 19:19:09 UTC 2011

On 03/10/11 20:04, Ted Smith wrote:
>> In this imaginary system, <snip>
> What advantage does your approach have over using QR codes, cameras, and
> computers to compare long hex strings? How difficult will it be to
> implement? Do any implementations exist? Has the approach been audited
> and studied?

You seem to have missed the word "imaginary" - it was a thought experiment.

> It's very fun to think up new protocols and high-level systems (I am
> just as guilty of this as anyone). It is less fun to implement them and
> even less fun to test them.

Yes, I was taking a break from writing code and unit tests for a secure
comms-related free software project to do some imaginative thinking.

> The freedombox project needs to focus on
> what actually exists (like comparing key fingerprints via QR codes,
> cameras, and mobile computers) rather than dreaming up new and exciting
> vaporware.

Thanks for the advice on how I should spend my freely donated time.


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