[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Now

Jonathan Zeppettini jz at jz.bz
Tue Oct 25 20:20:32 UTC 2011

For those of you who may be interested, OpenMediaVault was released
not long ago, my fist impression is that it is a well polished product
that I believe could serve as a good template for a FreedomBox.


I currently have it running on x86 hardware.

It will be interesting to see if it can be shoehorned on to one of my
plug computers (Dockstar running Debian).

It seems like a nice basis for someone who wants to set up a Debian
box with a slick GUI for managing many common administrative tasks
without editing config files. The OMV developer has stated it was
designed to be extensible, so there is no reason the front end could
not be expanded to include more services focused around the FreedomBox

Some of the services it supports configuring from the GUI by default
are: SSH, NFS, SNMP, rsync, Samba, and FTP.

Links to the deb packages and source[1]:

Some screenshots:

For some additional background on the project see here:

[1] Provided for informational purposes only, installing on your own
Debian system is not supported by the project.

Jonathan Zeppettini  //  http://jz.bz  //  +1 514 291 7800  ////

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