[Freedombox-discuss] The freedombox grid

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 21:38:47 UTC 2011

> just sell us broken devices
maybe - defective?)

the point is - Censorship isn't a nice naming but i'v described in that topic
- the situation when - the restriction or better - regulation of the
access should
be applied or site would be harmful for kids.

I don't see that something would stop the kids and something should, actually
But the restriction needs to be here for a better Internet.. If you
would see on
the Banner or one the first-login to the chat -- some question like -
Are you 16? 18? 21?
pregnant? religious?

if implement it in a best way, without collecting besides (just for
example - i doesn't pretend
 to know the right answers) some cookie or identity-cookie to some
cool identity syste..
that, well.. is a nice practice..
i can't see - alone - the best way to help it..
but we should try if we
want to show the best example for the Internets and if we want to
secure the reputation
of our work from the articles based around - Evil Hackers or Porn or
etc. that may get in our boxes
just like it is in Internet. You - see in the world - there are places
where Evil Hackers considered as a Good,
where Porn could be tolerated easily. The world is so various.

If somebody is interested -- re-up the
topic.. There are some new propositions on Mozilla, etc.

As i'v heard -- do-not-track is the MS proposition, so  - may be just
a kind of check-box in "profile of corporation".
if it isn't cool - we could promote other, better variants, there are
the possibilities that could act, even if it
would be extensions for browsers.

> i saw you cced to discuss at freenetworkfoundation.org is it interesting enough to subscribe ?

yes, ofc. -- there are the day to day uprising structure and i FWD
there all the interesting
messages i see - just like you do here =)

we need people here to set-up an infrastructure etc.
potentially - it could be a place to discuss all the Freedom Networking
if we all would manage to rise it. I have posted some suggestions
for, oh well, - the Mozilla's Betafarm, Batacuda etc.
that kind of social platform for the wider discussion.

it's sad - but there are some bug with List Archives, they just -
doesn't show the
new messages..
haven't tried yet -- we'll try to fix it, than -- we'll invite the
people here to some topics which seems
better suited there, even such as that Censorship, i think.

Generally - you could subscribe right now and there would be at least
something interesting.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:40 PM, Marc Manthey <marc at let.de> wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:15 PM, ya knygar wrote:
>>> Is there anybody else interested to see such a concept extended to our
>>> mobile devices?
>> if you are talking on something like personal TV broadcast --
>> sure, there are many people who want to run their own IPTV channel but
>> there are increasingly an attempt to validate it all under the
>> considerably large fee.
>> It looks like validating your Internet server under the Control--Fee.
>> That isn't like Internet lives,
>> isn't it?
>> Though, It all relates with Censorship
> IMHO , its  not  censorship, cisco just sell us broken devices :)
> Remember this quote  from Eben
> “ The Internet” designed as a network of peers without any intrinsic need
> for hierarchical or structural control and assuming that every switch in the
> Net is an independent, free-standing entity whose volition is equivalent to
> the volition of the human beings who want to control it.
> Lets fix it
> greetings
> Marc
> P.S. i saw you cced to discuss at freenetworkfoundation.org is it interesting
> enough to subscribe ?
> --  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
> Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
> 50823 Köln - Germany
> Tel.:0049-221-29891489
> Mobil:0049-1577-3329231
> site: http://let.de
> project : http://stattfernsehen.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/macbroadcast/
> Buy me: http://on.let.de/BUYme
> Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
> certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).
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