[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox as a home router to replace Cisco/Linksys

Sean Alexandre sean864 at pobox.com
Mon Jul 2 22:54:58 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2 Jul 2012 22:56:25 +0100
Dan Ballance <tzewang.dorje at gmail.com> wrote:

> I like this idea but have close to no idea how technically feasible
> it is.
> Other threads on this list have suggested there may be NAT issues
> behind standard home routers that will be difficult for FreedomBoxes
> to automatically navigate without technical intervention from someone
> with more than Joe Public networking skills.
> Could using the FreedomBox itself as the router/firewall solve this
> issue as well as increase privacy?

Thanks, I think I remember a thread about that, but it was for the case
where FreedomBox was acting as a server for other FreedomBoxes. Some
ISPs block connections in. (A VPN, Tor, other type of connection
would be needed to get around this.)

The firewall is about going the other way around: services on the
FreedomBox (e.g. a web browser) going out to the Internet (versus from
the Internet to a FreedomBox.) Should work.

But, I'd be interested to read any other threads on this, if I've
missed something.

I did this Google search and only found one thread on NAT:


It was:

Firewall + NAT article on freedomboxblog.nl
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