[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox/Unhosted/PageKite for Access Innovation Prize 2012

Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson bre at pagekite.net
Tue Jul 10 11:59:01 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Michiel de Jong <michiel at unhosted.org> wrote:
> i appreciate that we as power users can use those things, but our goal
> with freedombox is to make something for 'normal' people. If you visit
> https://g10code.com/steed.html using for instance Chrome, you get a
> big page saying you are under attack and this domain is unsafe. In
> Firefox it's grey, but it's still a scary page. Did you see that?

Actually, to clarify - this particular project, to build a "FreedomBox
which is helpful in the context of today's web" is obviously only a
subset of what the FreedomBox project itself is about.

We don't mean to co-opt the FreedomBox and turn it into something
else, but we wonder whether we could build something obviously useful
for specifically the "be independent on the web" scenario which Eben
Moglen was talking about at the very beginning (his message changed
over time, especially as the Arab Spring unfolded).

Perhaps we should call the box something else to avoid confusion?

Bjarni R. Einarsson
Founder, lead developer of PageKite.

Make localhost servers visible to the world: https://pagekite.net/

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