[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Unstable Image 2012.0714 Available

Nick M. Daly nick.m.daly at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 20:44:38 UTC 2012

Hi folks, welcome to the sixth weekly FreedomBox test image and progress

This image is designed to allow anyone to test the current state of the
FreedomBox.  However, it's not yet a complete privacy solution, so you
should rely on other, more established, solutions until we produce a
stable release.  This is not a stable or complete release.

The image is available at:



Today's image was produced with:

    $ make weekly-card

The image includes several FreedomBox-related projects.  The changes are
changes made by project contributors in the last week that have made it
into the test image.  The outstanding TODOs are the changes needed
before the beta-release is complete.  If you'd like to contribute in any
way, fork and send me a pull request.


  - If you pulled from my Freedom Maker repository last night (between 7
    and 9, central time), please pull again.  An accidental
    cross-repository push hosed the published Freedom Maker repository.
    It was recreated from clean, local, sources about half an hour
    later.  Apologies for the inconvenience and confusion.

  - The betweennowhere.net site should be up again.  After the hackfest,
    I plugged a blank microSD card into my plug, instead of the server's
    hard-drive. :)

Freedom Maker: https://github.com/nickdaly/freedom-maker


  - DONE: Enable Wireless Access Point (WAP) by default.

    James Valleroy put last week's external project build scripts to
    good use.  The first-boot process now downloads and installs
    pre-built wireless drivers from spinifex.com.au
    (http://www.spinifex.com.au).  We'll want to convert to the
    officially released or standard drivers before an official release,
    but I'm really happy we finally have wireless on this thing.

    Make sure your box is connected to the Internet on its first boot so
    it can download the firmware.  Otherwise, the download will fail and
    the script will just delete itself.

Outstanding TODOs:

  - Build the first run config/setup.
  - The setup process generates keys for user.
  - Setup generates keys for the box itself.
  - Turn DHCP on by default (on first boot).

Plinth: https://github.com/nickdaly/plinth


  - Bryan Newbold hacked a configuration management solution into Plinth
    so now the front end can talk to the system.  He and James are
    making a demo module for documentation.

  - Thanks to Simo Source, work was started on FreedomBuddy's OpenVPN
    client.  Unfortunately, that work was lost when I was cleaning up
    from the misdirected push, without remembering that I had un-pushed

  - FreedomBuddy is now significantly easier to set up on Debian
    *Wheezy*.  Just run "make" and you'll be set up.  It won't create a
    new key for you, but just edit production.cfg to use your
    40-character key id.

  - FreedomBuddy's command-line interface was renamed from
    freedombuddyLocation.py to freedombuddy.py.

  - FreedomBuddy's command-line interface
    (plinth/ugly_hacks/santiago/scripts/freedombuddy.py) has vastly
    improved and is now a more-or-less finished product.

Outstanding TODOs:

  - Turn DHCP on/off through Plinth
  - Select DHCP or Static IP in Plinth
  - Integrate basic OpenVPN settings into Plinth
  - Integrate Dnsmasq into Plinth
  - Point "fbx" and "freedombox" URLs to the Plinth UI
  - Integrate FreedomBuddy into Plinth.
  - Hook FreedomBuddy into OpenVPN.
  - Hook FreedomBuddy into SSH.

FreedomBox Privoxy: https://github.com/nickdaly/freedombox-privoxy


  - During the hackfest, Boruch Baum, Daniel Howe, and James Vasile
    hammered out validating privoxy's regexes and moving to the released

Outstanding TODOs:

  - Privoxy should use the released HTTPS Everywhere regexp ruleset.
  - Add enabling and disabling Privoxy to the Plinth UI.

PlugServer Setup: https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver

Outstanding TODOs:

  - Integrate into Freedom Maker.

With SQLite: https://github.com/nickdaly/withsqlite


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