[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox/Unhosted/PageKite for Access Innovation Prize 2012

Anders Jackson anders.jackson at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 05:42:19 UTC 2012

> Michiel de JongT, ue Jul 10 08:18:06 UTC 2012
> Hi Anders,

Hi Michiel.
> In an ideal world, yes, but in order for the freedombox to be useful
> for mainstream users, we have to be compatible with the current
> situation of the world outside, which (still) involves IPv4, DNS,
> browsers' white lists for CAs, etcetera

To use IPv6 with IPSec and certificates doesn't say that you shouldn't
have dual stack and have IPv4 support. Actually, you need dual stack for
a forseening time.  IPv6 doesn't get rid of DNS either.  Neither CAs etc

BUT if we use IPv6 in FreedomBox infrastructure, we only need IPv4
enough for our IPv6 tunnel to be routed out of the users net, if there
isn't any native IPv6 from the ISP.  All the problems with NAT and IPv4
can just be ignored. If you actually do have a public IPv4 address, you
should be able to use it. But more like a special case.

And you could even tunnel IPv4 with thor over our encrypted IPv6 IPSec
with our friends freedombox:es.


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