[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox/Unhosted/PageKite for Access Innovation Prize 2012

Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson bre at pagekite.net
Sun Jul 15 11:09:18 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 7:28 AM, Anders Jackson
<anders.jackson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> i think our difference of perspective is you seem to concentrate more
>> on how freedomboxes can communicate with each other (which i also hope
>> will be over IPv6 and with cacert), whereas i am just investigating a
>> different part of the same puzzle here: how to integrate with the
>> internet and web that already exist.
> No, I wouldn't say that.  I want to have a secure infrastructure to
> build FreedomBox on, which IPv6 and IPSec will give. We don't need to
> build stuff on IPv4 for that.  It will just be uggly hacks.

My focus (for this particular project idea, not the FreedomBox in
general), which I think is shared by Michiel and Markus, is to make a
box that is actually useful for independent publishing of dynamic
content, right now, on today's web.

The platform we target is neither IPv6 nor IPv4, it is the Web.  The
web is a bunch of resources reference by URLs - whether the domain
portion of the URL resolves to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, or both, or
something else entirely (.onion) is at least theoretically irrelevant.

In practical terms however, today's web is an IPv4 thing and we aren't
compatible with that, then we don't create something useful.  It's
that simple.

Personally, I think this is the right way forward for the FreedomBox
and I think it will help achieve other goals as well.  Until the box
does something useful, it's a niche thing which nobody cares about.
If you give folks a useful FreedomBox that is backwards compatible,
then that attracts mind-share, developers and resources.  And the comm
infrastructure transparently be upgraded to use newer, better, more
secure networks.  After all, the web stuff is just URLs, if
FreedomBoxes know of better routes to reach them then we can
transparently upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6 or Tor or carrier pigeons
later on.

Bjarni R. Einarsson
Founder, lead developer of PageKite.

Make localhost servers visible to the world: https://pagekite.net/

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