[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Testing 2012.0617 Image Published
Rick C. Hodgin
foxmuldrster at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 19 05:05:05 UTC 2012
I'm thinking that messages would be sent from A to B using keys that
only A and B know about. So even if they went through the air, they
would not be decipherable (easily) by someone without the keys. Each
FBX simply becomes a "willing participant in the conduit" to move data
around without regards to its contents, unless it's addressed to it, or
as is required to route it.
My idea of having a wireless grid is not for heavy bandwidth, but merely
for the ability to communicate with others. I envision some need to
coordinate people together, to get the message out. It doesn't need to
be real-time updated, but just "meet us tomorrow at 6am at the corner"
sort of things. I also envision a texting-like ability, where you send
a message to X, and they respond when they get it, which may be a few
minutes later.
I have the entire method of working out how this WiFi communication
could be workably developed, including allowing FBXs to come up and fall
off the "grid" as a living entity.
I would like to produce the GUI demo to show how it works, what messages
are transmitted, etc. Will do so when I can find the time.
Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin
On 06/19/2012 12:57 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: John Gilmore<gnu at toad.com>
>> To: Rick C. Hodgin<foxmuldrster at yahoo.com>
>> Cc: freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org
>> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 9:43 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Testing 2012.0617 Image Published
>>> This is the path I'd like to explore for developing Freedombox tools --
>> the ability to communicate off the grid using point-to-point with routing beyond
>> to some remote 3rd party.
>>> Are there WiMAX add-on boards which do the same (for longer distances)?
>> I strongly suggest using *wires* rather than wireless, whenever possible.
>> You can trivially push a gigabit of traffic through an Ethernet cable
>> that can stretch from one apartment to another, or from one house to
>> another along a fence. And this gigabit won't conflict or compete with
>> any other traffic you're handling to other neighbors, nor compete with
>> wireless nodes.
>> With a couple of readily available converter boxes, you can plug that
>> gigabit Ethernet into a fiber that can go to a destination up to 80km
>> away.
>> WiFi is sexy, but Ethernet (and Ethernet running over fibers) is what
>> runs most real dependable Internet services worldwide. If you share
>> your Internet connection with your closest neighbor over Ethernet, via
>> a FreedomBox, you'll unclog your wireless spectrum, and improve the
>> reliability and privacy of both of your Internet connections.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but until you hit a certain threshold in terms of
> # of users and geographical variety, you'd be improving reliability at the
> expense of privacy. Also, the lack of choice of ISP in many areas
> may make the reliability increase insignificant, as an upstream outage
> would most likely affect all the neighbors, too.
> On the other hand, it would be quite interesting to see what a dorm full
> of college students would do with a pile of Freedomboxes and a
> spindle of ethernet cable.
>> John
>> PS: Wires and fibers are much harder to wiretap than radio signals.
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