[Freedombox-discuss] Backdoor in military chips may also be in Freedombox

Rick Hodgin foxmuldrster at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 28 16:12:44 UTC 2012

For one thing, we can physically examine the 2800 transistors in the original Intel 4004 to see that there is no secret key.  As for the 29K transistors in the 8086 ... I believe the same thing.

I have no doubts there are such technologies in products invented in the mid-/late-2000s, as the technology was there to do it almost automatically through automation, and the maturity of debugging ports and other such abilities make it a natural progression, one that's not even hard... in fact, I think with the debugging nature you'd have to have in modern CPUs and other devices (memory chips, etc.), that to NOT have such abilities would almost be the result of incompetence.

Still ... we have no proof, and we have other people telling us flatly that it's not true.

I'd like to see some proof. :-)

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

--- On Thu, 6/28/12, Tim Schmidt <timschmidt at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Tim Schmidt <timschmidt at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Freedombox-discuss] Backdoor in military chips may also be in Freedombox
> To: freebirds at hushmail.com
> Cc: freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012, 12:06 PM
> You've made so many claims in the
> last several hours...
> They don't hold much water without example code.
> You can claim there's some secret military key in every chip
> since
> 1973, but unless you've got the code to pull it out, and
> show how it's
> used, you're not credible.
> --tim
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