[Freedombox-discuss] SPAM

fbox-discuss20120313.neophyte_rep at ordinaryamerican.net fbox-discuss20120313.neophyte_rep at ordinaryamerican.net
Tue Mar 13 19:00:44 UTC 2012

I have received a solicitation to help transfer a large sum of money
to the U.S. from our troops in Iraq.  I already understand this is a
phishing SPAM message.  The only reason I post this is the address
used was only available in the archives of
freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org, because I use a whitelist
relay for all my email which allows me to use a unique address for all
my correspondence.

Perhaps the list archive could have better obfuscation of the
addresses than the form "user at domain.tld"?  Surely that is just as
easy to scan for as "user at domain.tld".  I've seen other obfuscations
such as "user at doma..." on other lists.  Perhaps someone could
implement such an obfuscation here?

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