[Freedombox-discuss] Documentation of the cost and use of a freedom box

Nick Hardiman nick at internetmachines.co.uk
Sun May 13 22:43:41 UTC 2012

Hi Jack, 

I've got notes on the areas below. Is this appropriate? 

As with the hardware, only some of this is Freedombox information for http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox. 

You can find all this stuff and more on forums like these, but the info does take a fair bit of filtering, unfortunately.
* http://www.newit.co.uk/forum/ (they support their customers here)
* http://www.plugcomputer.org/plugforum/ (started by Marvell)

upgrade u-boot		
Connect the router, dreamplug and workstation
Open a serial console, screen commands
Start and stop the dreamplug
Troubleshoot - No operating system, can't get kernel image, corrupted root file system (rootfs)
Change from default single boot to multi-boot.	
Copy the Debian OS to a new SD card	
Verifying an image file	
Upgrade software	
upgrade the kernel	
Compile your own kernel	
Use the Freedom Maker	
Configure the dreamplug’s eth1	
Start udhcpd for eth1 
Add packet forwarding.	
Use the Dreamplug AP (Access Point)	
change the wireless AP IP address, name and LED
Find another Distro	
replace the internal micro-SD card	
Copy from an SD card to an image file
Compile on the dreamplug
cross-compile for a dreamplug	
Compile on the dreamplug	
cross-compile on Virtualbox for the dreamplug	

There are also these kinds of thing for OSX (I have a Macbook).

Install the FTDI serial driver on the Mac	
Patch the FTDI driver’s list of devices.	
Install a driver that can read an ext3 file system	
Check the current state of networking on the Macbook	
these are for the dreamplug
Macbook and EFI	
install a virtual machine - qemu, Virtualbox, Parallels	
Install Debian on Virtualbox	

Nick Hardiman
nick at internetmachines.co.uk

On 10 May 2012, at 15:47, Jack Wilborn wrote:

> I am interested in whatever you can disclose as to your experience with the Dream-plug or other (such as the Pi) configuration.  Please post the location asap.
> Thanks
> Jack
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