[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Unstable Image 2012.1111 Available
Johan Henselmans
johan at netsense.nl
Fri Nov 16 15:56:47 UTC 2012
On 16 nov. 2012, at 04:23, Nick M. Daly <nick.m.daly at gmail.com> wrote:
> FreedomBox Weekly Image Report
> ==============================
Nick, got a could not load kernel image with the latest.
I noticed that in uInitrd in the FAT partition there was a call to Debian ramdisk 3.2.0-3-kirkwood.
This is the log:
SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A1
DRAM: 512 MiB
WARNING: Caches not enabled
SF: Detected MX25L1605D with page size 64 KiB, total 2 MiB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: egiga0, egiga1
88E1116 Initialized on egiga0
88E1116 Initialized on egiga1
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
(Re)start USB...
USB: Register 10011 NbrPorts 1
scanning bus for devices... 6 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus for storage devices... Device NOT ready
Request Sense returned 02 3A 00
2 Storage Device(s) found
reading uImage
64 bytes read
reading uInitrd
153 bytes read
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!
Marvell>> printenv
bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda2 rootdelay=10
bootcmd=${x_bootcmd_usb}; ${x_bootcmd_kernel}; ${x_bootcmd_initrd}; setenv bootargs ${x_bootargs} ${x_bootargs_root}; bootm 0x6400000 0x6900000;
x_bootargs_root=root=/dev/sda2 rootdelay=10
x_bootcmd_initrd=fatload usb 0 0x6900000 uInitrd
x_bootcmd_kernel=fatload usb 0 0x6400000 uImage
x_bootcmd_usb=usb start
x_bootcmdd=fatload usb 0 0x6900000 uInitrd
Environment size: 664/4092 bytes
> Author: Nick Daly
> Date: 2012-11-11 Sun
> Hi folks, welcome to the 17th weekly FreedomBox test image and progress
> report.
> Apologies this is two weeks and five days late, but life has been
> rougher than it needs to be this month. Over the next week or so, I'll
> be moving to twice-monthly releases. Consolidating, building, and
> publishing the image takes a significant amount of free time, and I
> think some of that time would be better spent actively coding FBuddy and
> friends. As always, reply with comments or repository forks. :)
> The images are being uploaded to the standard places and will probably
> be available in the next hour.
> Table of Contents
> =================
> 1 Introduction
> 2 How do I try it out?
> 3 Verification
> 3.1 ~freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_dreamplug-armel-card.tar.bz2~
> 3.2 ~freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_virtualbox-i386-hdd.vdi.tar.bz2~
> 4 Issues
> 5 Changes
> 6 Outstanding TODOs
> 6.1 Freedom Maker: https://github.com/nickdaly/freedom-maker
> 6.2 Plinth: https://github.com/nickdaly/plinth
> 6.3 ExMachina: http://gitorious.org/exmachina/exmachina
> 6.4 FreedomBox Privoxy: https://github.com/jvasile/freedombox-privoxy
> 6.5 FreedomBuddy: https://gitorious.org/freedombuddy/freedombuddy
> 6.6 Project Publish: https://gitorious.org/project-publish/project-publish
> 6.7 PlugServer Setup: https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver
> 6.8 With SQLite: https://github.com/jvasile/withsqlite
> 1 Introduction
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> These images include several FreedomBox-related projects. The changes are
> changes made by project contributors in the last week that have made it into
> the test image. The outstanding TODOs are the changes needed before the
> beta-release is complete. If you'd like to contribute in any way, fork and
> send me a pull request.
> The image is available at:
> [https://www.betweennowhere.net/tracker]
> [https://www.betweennowhere.net/tracker/freedombox-unstable.torrent]
> [https://www.betweennowhere.net/tracker/freedombox-unstable.tar.bz2]
> Today's image was produced with:
> $ make weekly-image
> 2 How do I try it out?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> There are two ways you can test it out. The easy way is to use VirtualBox and
> run the image in a virtual machine. These instructions have more details:
> [http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/VirtualBoxImages]
> You can also install the image to your DreamPlug directly. If you've bought
> your own DreamPlug, you'll probably need to flash the firmware, which requires
> a JTAG. Follow these instructions:
> [http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Firmware]
> These are the users and their passwords:
> root: freedom
> The root user.
> fbx: frdm
> The normal user. All the FreedomBox tools are stored in =/home/fbx=.
> plinth: config
> The system maintenance user. Generic FreedomBox maintenance will be
> conducted by this user.
> 3 Verification
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> You can validate that the files have been downloaded correctly and haven't
> changed since I've published them by checking the files' signatures.
> First, download my key:
> $ gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-key D95C32042EE54FFDB25EC3489F2733F40928D23A
> Then, verify each file's signature:
> $ gpg --verify freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_dreamplug-armel-card.tar.bz2.sig freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_dreamplug-armel-card.tar.bz2
> $ gpg --verify freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_virtualbox-i386-hdd.vdi.tar.bz2.sig freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_virtualbox-i386-hdd.vdi.tar.bz2
> The checksums for each file, useful for additional verification, also follow.
> 3.1 ~freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_dreamplug-armel-card.tar.bz2~
> =================================================================
> md5sum 990737f224a707201f884b80700f6897
> sha512sum ebf39abe438b959ebf77738db1194ed86a32aff2ac0c5a7be064b3f869bd9d3e4894c608883edbd48713aff3456f91854e62c711b290699a9580db054babb0b8
> 3.2 ~freedombox-unstable_2012.1111_virtualbox-i386-hdd.vdi.tar.bz2~
> ====================================================================
> md5sum 8fc85a82927750c09f305747c3af0f70
> sha512sum dfb5e83bf707e20bbf3165ebc7102af9a457757f2b8bae657a4e462d71552c56f7ee0aac4e5af0bee61b0c27b592f0fb712dd18fcb69d6923beec4c6eb43b66f
> 4 Issues
> ~~~~~~~~~
> - None known so far. Please report.
> 5 Changes
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> - FBX Privoxy uses the latest (3.0) series from the EFF. Thanks Ram, for
> putting these changes together.
> - [backports.debian.org] updated its python-cliapp version, so we're now using
> the upstream vmdebootstrap version. *Your VirtualBox builds will break
> until you update python-cliapp.*
> - ExMachina removed from Plinth and split out into its own repository again.
> 6 Outstanding TODOs
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 6.1 Freedom Maker: [https://github.com/nickdaly/freedom-maker]
> ===============================================================
> The FBX image build tool.
> - The setup process generates GPG keys for user.
> - Consider reworking the [batch script] for this purpose.
> - What about licensing?
> - How do we guarantee sufficient random data? Maybe somediddly
> like: ~wget -m -k -K -E -Q 10m -l 10 -w 5s wiki.debian.org~
> - Setup generates GPG and SSL keys for the box itself.
> [batch script]: http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2003-March/017376.html
> 6.2 Plinth: [https://github.com/nickdaly/plinth]
> =================================================
> The UI layer.
> - Links should work for remote clients.
> - Turn DHCP (for clients) on/off through Plinth
> - Select DHCP or Static IP in Plinth
> - Integrate basic OpenVPN settings into Plinth
> - Integrate Dnsmasq into Plinth
> 6.3 ExMachina: [http://gitorious.org/exmachina/exmachina]
> ==========================================================
> - Apply patches from [betweennowhere.net/blog].
> 6.4 FreedomBox Privoxy: [https://github.com/jvasile/freedombox-privoxy]
> ========================================================================
> A privacy-focused web-proxy.
> - Add enabling and disabling Privoxy to the Plinth UI.
> - Integrate with the [HTTPS Everywhere Checker] and the [other HTTPS Everywhere Checker].
> [HTTPS Everywhere Checker]: https://gitweb.torproject.org/https-everywhere.git/tree/HEAD:/utils
> [other HTTPS Everywhere Checker]: https://github.com/hiviah/https-everywhere-checker
> 6.5 FreedomBuddy: [https://gitorious.org/freedombuddy/freedombuddy]
> ====================================================================
> A resilient communication tool.
> - Build an SSH-VPN connector.
> - Fix Outstanding FIXMEs
> - Hook into Plinth.
> - Add more OpenVPN FreedomBuddy setup instructions.
> 6.6 Project Publish: [https://gitorious.org/project-publish/project-publish]
> =============================================================================
> An easy-to-use publishing tool.
> - *Complete*
> 6.7 PlugServer Setup: [https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver]
> ==================================================================
> A configuration tool.
> - *Complete*
> 6.8 With SQLite: [https://github.com/jvasile/withsqlite]
> =========================================================
> A database-management Python package.
> - *Complete*
> Enjoy!
> Nick
> _______________________________________________
> Freedombox-discuss mailing list
> Freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/freedombox-discuss
Johan Henselmans
johan at netsense.nl
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