[Freedombox-discuss] RELOAD / P2P SIP discussion - reSIProcate?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Mon Feb 4 18:57:42 UTC 2013

On 07/01/12 16:38, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>>> There was also another effort to package reSIProcate which seemed to 
>>> stop here:
>>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2009/07/msg00131.html
>> One obvious task is to _package_ the code for Debian.  But more 
>> importantly is that someone needs to take the responsibility of ongoing 
>> _maintainance_ of a packaging part of Debian officially.
> I agree, I already maintain some packages for OpenCSW:
> http://www.opencsw.org/maintainers/daniel/
> and my reSIProcate branch already includes an initial control script for
> Debian
> The main reason for sharing this with the freedombox group is
> a) the P2P stuff - it may actually need some more testing and direction
> before becoming a mainstream package, and there is the potential for the
> technical direction to be aligned with the overall freedombox project
> objectives
> b) some of the other stuff in reSIProcate (e.g. the SIP B2BUA code that
> I contributed a while back) is quite appropriate for use in embedded
> devices, while being a lot more lightweight than an alternative like
> Asterisk

Just following up on this as it has been discussed over the weekend - as
I'm sure many people are aware, reSIProcate has been packaged.

Although I've worked heavily with the repro proxy and the core SIP
stack, I haven't given the p2p stuff a test drive yet - but it is there,
may or may not be complete or usable, I am happy to discuss and support
any initiative to take this further if people feel it is a good fit for

Here are the relevant links:





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