[Freedombox-discuss] Serval Mesh Extenders

macbroadcast marc at let.de
Fri Jul 12 10:00:40 UTC 2013

Am 11.07.2013 23:45, schrieb Paul Gardner-Stephen:
> Hi All,
> The idea is that it uses the UHF packet radio to mesh over greater 
> distances than is possible with Wi-Fi, the trade-off being lower 
> bandwidth.
> In general, we find that the UHF packet radio has a range of about 10x 
> that of Wi-Fi when deployed indoors with omni-directional antennae. 
>  This means it has a range of about a block in a suburban or urban 
> setting compared with Wi-Fi's range of about one house or apartment.
Awsome progress Paul , i am following your progress for some time, what 
you think about this " bug/ feature"
> However, some mesh proponents say Google is unnecessarily hampering 
> their efforts because it does not support the device-to-device mode of 
> Wi-Fi chips in its Android software (a complaint registered with 
> Google as "Android bug #82 
> <https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=82>"). That means 
> before a device can become an active part of a mesh network, a user 
> must bypass Android's security controls, or "root" the device, by 
> installing special software. Unrooted devices can use connectivity 
> provided by a mesh network, but they can't help expand its coverage.


Is it possible to run it  in a virualized enviroment ? i see debian and 
openwrt directorys in there.


and MeshMS is very interesting too ;)

Good luck


Les enfants terribles / Marc Manthey
50823 Köln, germany
Mobile : 0049-1577-3329231
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