[Freedombox-discuss] su or sudo?

Nick Hardiman nick at internetmachines.co.uk
Sun Mar 24 17:22:59 UTC 2013

Where is it used? As in these examples, or something else? 

su -c "make weekly-image"

sudo apt-get purge privoxy

On the whole, I think of sudo as the developer's shortcut made popular by Ubuntu. 

Nick Hardiman
nick at internetmachines.co.uk

On 24 Mar 2013, at 02:00, Nick M. Daly <nick.m.daly at gmail.com> wrote:

> So, Freedom-Maker and its dependent projects disagree on whether su or
> sudo should be used in the built system.  Any opinion?
> I don't care one way or another, but su's easier to configure.
> Nick
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