[Freedombox-discuss] Which mesh system should be included in the Freedombox?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Oct 12 15:42:13 UTC 2013

[Paul Gardner-Stephen]
> Hello all,

Hi.  Very pleased to hear from you, and very valuable to learn about
the current status of the Serval project.  I hope we can make sure a
Freedombox mesh will provide the Serval project with a mesh to
communicate on. :)

> So some clarification here:
> Serval used to use the original layer-3 batman, and can still coexist with
> batman, batman-adv, babel, olsrd etc.  But Serval now includes its own mesh
> routing protocol, for many of the reasons that are stimulating discussion
> here.

Right.  Where is the source for this new protocol available?  Is it a
kernel module or a user space implementation?

> This security platform was recently recognised at the Global Security
> Challenge grand-final in London where we received an Honourable Mention,
> coming a close second in the entire competition -- against entrants from
> the USA, UK, Israel and other major players in the security space.
> We do not rest on our laurels, nor do we take the praise of men as meaning
> that we have a perfect or vulnerability-free system.  But we do believe
> that we have created something that has great potential in the open-source
> world, and especially for projects like Freedom Box where private
> correspondence (text, voice and data) on a fully-distributed
> self-organising network is a major objective.

Great.  How hard would it be to create a Serval based soft phone on
Debian?  Which part of the source is needed, and which part can be

> > As mentioned, because all Serval services operate in parallel to
> IP, this means you can mix and match Serval service with your
> favourite traditional mesh routing protocols should you wish to use
> them.

Very cool. :)

> We think that we have some interesting technologies that are of use
> to this community, and of course since we develop them as free and
> open-source software, we encourage this community to take whatever
> they find useful, and perhaps even open a conversation for us to
> work out what activities and efforts are in the intersection of our
> needs and objectives, and apply some combined energy that will
> accelerate our mutual progress towards our goals.

Very good.  Are you on IRC (#freedombox on irc.debian.org)?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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