[Freedombox-discuss] Plinth pushed to alioth, first step toward a package in Debian

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Sep 25 21:11:12 UTC 2013

[Tim Retout]
> This is cool!  Once the package is through the NEW queue, it becomes
> much quicker to release subsequent versions to Debian, so release
> early, release often. :)

Thank you.  And yeah, it become a lot easier to have a shared view on
the current state if the "official" packages are in Debian.

But I suspect we should keep plinth out of testing until it can do
more than change the hostname and time zone... :)

I am waiting for Nick to merge some of my patches and comment on the
design and direction of the project before completing the Tor and
owncloud options in plinth, and hope we can announce a 0.2 release
when this is in place.

> I've lost track of which packages you're working on uploading - I
> know there's withsqlite and plinth, but are you also uploading a
> freedombox-setup package already? Or a "freedombox" metapackage of
> some sort?

After plinth is uploaded, the freedombox-setup package is next on my
list, yes.  Perhaps it should just be called freedombox instead?  I
noticed a "freedombox" git repo on alioth, but it seem to be empty.

There is also the freedombox-privoxy package that I have not looked
at.  Suspect it would be better if the changes done to this privoxy
fork is merged into the already existing privoxy debian package.
Perhaps someone can look at getting those parts into Debian too?

Happy hacking
Petter reinholdtsen

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