[Freedombox-discuss] Freedombox 0.2 almost ready - please test

A. F. Cano afc at shibaya.lonestar.org
Wed Mar 12 20:07:20 UTC 2014

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:04:01PM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> ...
> To test it, fetch the git source of freedom-maker and build the image
> you want:
>   git clone http://anonscm.debian.org/git/freedombox/freedom-maker.git freedom-maker
>   make -C freedom-maker dreamplug-image raspberry-image virtualbox-image

That was easy enough.  Had to install virtualbox, git, vmdebootstrap and
quite a few dependencies.

> ...
> Nick Daly got the dreambox image working yesterday.  Did anyone test
> the Raspberry Pi and VirtualBox images lately?

Tried to build for virtualbox.  It failed. The loop device the script
assumes doesn't exist on Debian Jessie.

ERROR: command failed: ['mkfs', '-t', 'ext4', '/dev/mapper/loop0p1']

The files that exist are:

home/fbx> ls /dev/mapper

home/fbx> ls /dev/loop*

I'll keep investigating at a later time, but in the meantime, any
suggestions as to how to fix this will be welcome.


Complete log below:

home/fbx> make -C freedom-maker virtualbox-image
make: Entering directory `/home/fbx/freedom-maker'
mkdir -p build
          bin/mk_freedombox_image build/freedombox-unstable_`date +%Y-%m-%d`_virtualbox-i386-hdd
+ IMAGE=build/freedombox-unstable_2014-03-12_virtualbox-i386-hdd
+ MIRROR=http://http.debian.net/debian
+ SUITE=jessie
+ pwd
+ basedir=/home/fbx/freedom-maker
+ base_pkgs=apt base-files ifupdown initramfs-tools logrotate module-init-tools netbase rsyslog udev debian-archive-keyring
+ dreamplug_pkgs=linux-image-kirkwood u-boot-tools u-boot uboot-mkimage
+ [ -z i386 ]
+ echo building virtualbox for i386
building virtualbox for i386
+ extra_opts= --enable-dhcp 
+ pkgopts= --package apt
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools --package netbase
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools --package netbase --package rsyslog
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools --package netbase --package rsyslog --package udev
+ pkgopts= --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools --package netbase --package rsyslog --package udev --package debian-archive-keyring
+ sudo SUITE=jessie MIRROR=http://http.debian.net/debian DESTINATION=hdd MACHINE=virtualbox ARCHITECTURE=i386 vmdebootstrap --log freedombox.log --log-level debug --size 2.5G --image build/freedombox-unstable_2014-03-12_virtualbox-i386-hdd.img --hostname freedombox --verbose --mirror http://http.debian.net/debian --customize /home/fbx/freedom-maker/bin/freedombox-customize --root-password freedom --arch i386 --distribution jessie --enable-dhcp --package apt --package base-files --package ifupdown --package initramfs-tools --package logrotate --package module-init-tools --package netbase --package rsyslog --package udev --package debian-archive-keyring
[sudo] password for afc: 
Creating disk image
Creating partitions
Installing MBR
Creating filesystem ext4
EEEK! Something bad happened...
Cleaning up
ERROR: command failed: ['mkfs', '-t', 'ext4', '/dev/mapper/loop0p1']

mke2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)
Could not stat /dev/mapper/loop0p1 --- No such file or directory

The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?

make: *** [virtualbox-image] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `/home/fbx/freedom-maker'

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