[Freedombox-discuss] Merge Policy?

Nick Daly nick.m.daly at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 00:31:57 UTC 2014

Hi folks, I've recently had a few questions about the FBX community's merge
policy, and wanted to bring them to the list, because it might be helpful
to have a well documented standard available on the wiki.

I would like to hold myself to something like the following:

- Unit tests pass.
- Style tests (pep8.py, etc.) pass.

This at least makes sure that code hasn't become broken and that it looks
similar to other code already in the project.  This isn't something I've
enforced (FreedomBuddy doesn't *have* any tests other than acceptance
tests), but something I'd like to start sticking to, in order to set clear
expectations for patchers.

What other criteria do other folks use?

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