[Freedombox-discuss] problems flashing FBX image on Beaglebone Black

dgj+lists at systemli.org dgj+lists at systemli.org
Sat Oct 1 14:41:14 UTC 2016


I failed installing FBX on the on-board eMMC of the Beaglebone Black; 
however, running it from the sd card works just fine. Is there any 
drawback to doing so? Is it safe to enlarge the 3.7 GB operating system 
partition to use as storage?

Sorry for the newbie questions. Perhaps a mailing list or forum for new 
users would be helpful.


Am 2016-09-25 14:54, schrieb dgj+lists at systemli.org:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install FreedomBox on a Beaglebone Black (BBB rev c)
> and am having no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Note that I have been able to flash a fresh install of Debian (i.e.,
> bone-debian-8.4-lxqt-4gb-armhf-2016-05-13-4gb.img) onto the on-board
> eMMC (which works fine), but cannot seem to get the FBX image
> (freedombox-testing-free_0.9_beaglebone-armhf.img) to work.
> One of many things I have tried:
> - With the fresh install of Debian, ssh into the BBB, open
> /boot/uEnv.txt, and uncomment the line
> cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh. Save and
> exit. [If I don't do this step, it always boots the Debian image
> normally and not the SD card, even if I hold the boot button at
> startup.]
> - After this, I mount the SD card with the FBX image on my computer
> and rename the boot.scr file to boot.scr.bckp. I now insert the SD
> card into the BBB and boot.
> Following:
> https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/freedombox-discuss/2016-February/007258.html
> This boots and then seems to flash from the SD card, but when it is
> finished and I turn on the BBB, nothing.
> I have had to reflash Debian to get it working again.
> Note that the information at this link does not seem relevant, since I
> cannot get it to book the first time:
> https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/QuestionsAndAnswers#I.27m_having_some_problems_getting_FBX_working_on_a_BeagleBone_Black._The_latest_release_would_boot_once.2C_but_after_the_initial_reboot_it_wouldn.27t_boot_again.
> Any ideas?
> And a quick thank you to the community for all of your help!
> Best,
> DJ
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