[Freedombox-discuss] Prospective packages for FreedomBox

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Sat Dec 2 15:13:43 UTC 2017

Hi Joseph,

Quoting Joseph Nuthalapati (2017-12-01 11:35:06)
> I took the list of packages from 
> https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted and ran a script to 
> determine which of them are available on Debian testing. I used the 
> `apt show` command for this and maybe had a lot of false negatives, 
> but the 85 packages I got out of the list is still something to look 
> forward to. Here is the list of packages I got. We can consider 
> integrating some of them for FreedomBox in the future.

These are already included with FreedomBox, I believe:

  synapse ejabberd

These are all CalDAV services. Only one of them makes sense to install 
(but maybe makes sense to support several of them). Freedom already 
include one such service (Radicale):

  calendarserver calypso davical sogo

These are both SIP services. Only one of them makes sense to install 
(but maybe makes sense to support several of them):

  asterisk kamailio

These are all MTAs (i.e. sending email). Only one of them makes sense to 
install (but maybe makes sense to support several of them). Should quite 
likely be installed only together with some way to avoid spam - either 
a) local filtering (ressource heavy!) or b) remote filtering (defeats 
FreedomBox aim of moving logfiles to your own physical home) c) or 
blocking (then arguably the service is no longer email and alternative 
communication protocols might make better sense):

  courier-mta exim opensmtpd postfix qmail sendmail

These are all helper tools for an MTA. Should quite likely be installed 
only together with an MTA.

  maildrop dovecot mailman schleuder sympa imp roundcube rss2email

These all CMSes (content management systems). Likely only one of them 
makes sense to install (but maybe makes sense to support several of 
them). Should quite likely be installed only together with an MTA (see 
above). Only implementations not requiring any console interaction is in 
scope for FreedomBox:

  wordpress pluxml spip dokuwiki gitit mediawiki

These are both jukebox services. Likely only one of them makes sense to 
install (but maybe makes sense to support several of them):

  mopidy mpd

These are administration tools, and therefore arguably out of scope of 

  awstats goaccess

These are developer/research/cracking tools, and therefore out of scope 
of FreedomBox:

  tox medusa postal gist klaus fossil gitlab jenkins trac otrs

These are X11 or console tools, and therefore out of scope for 

  ring triggerhappy weechat pico taskwarrior

This is an education tool, and therefore out of scope of FreedomBox:


This seem quite out of scope for FreedomBox - or you meant something 
else than the package by same name available in Debian, in which case 
you should please provide full URL for what you are proposing:


Possibly there are overlap also among the remaining ones:

  rss-bridge gnunet mumble syndie znc diaspora isso
  cups git-annex samba sparkleshare syncthing unison z-push
  transmission coquelicot onionshare guacamole horde
  crtmpserver flumotion rygel zoneminder geneweb infinoted
  mediagoblin photoshow plumi iodine pound privoxy squid tinyproxy

I dearly suggest to update our wiki page, as Daddy also mentioned. 
Posting here on the mailinglist is useful only for loose discussion, but 
does not really help for further acting on getting it packaged and 
integrated with FreedomBox.

(Sorry, I am writing this from a train with limited internet access, so 
cannot locate and provide you the URL - it is somewhere at 
https://wiki.debian.org/ :-) )

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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