[Freedombox-discuss] freedomboxfoundation.org content refresh

Daniel Gnoutcheff gnoutchd at softwarefreedom.org
Fri Jan 5 22:36:17 UTC 2018

Hello all,

As promised in the last progress call, I've updated
freedomboxfoundation.org with content drafted by Danny Haidar.
Hopefully, we won't have quite so many people confused by
years-out-of-date material.

Much of the old material, e.g. the old news archive, is still accessible
by those who know the URLs.  I still have to figure out what to do with
that stuff, esp. the news archive.  I'd like to preserve incoming links
where practical.

Also, I haven't changed the design, but I still like mray's design and
would like to deploy it.  That should be easier to do once I've figured
out what to do with the old stuff.

Daniel G.

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