[Freedombox-discuss] Shutting down lists.freedomboxfoundation.org

Pierre L. petrus at miosweb.mooo.com
Thu Jan 18 19:31:00 UTC 2018


This current list will stay alive ? (Freedombox)


Le 18/01/2018 à 17:38, Daniel Gnoutcheff a écrit :
> Hello all,
> On Jan 25th, I will shut down the Sympa mailing list server at
> lists.freedomboxfoundation.org.  This server used to host a number of
> mailing lists for the project, but none have seen any use since 2012.
> While I will retain my backups of the server, I don't have immediate
> plans to post the archives online.  I could do so sometime in the future
> if there's interest.
> Thanks,
> Daniel G.

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