[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox v0.42.0 released

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Tue Nov 6 04:37:50 GMT 2018

The FreedomBox web interface (plinth) v0.42.0 has been released and
uploaded to Debian unstable.

Highlights of this release:
- Fix wrong color in mobile menu
- snapshot: Fix broken snapshot management after snapper update
- Enable backup/restore for tor, upgrades, monkeysphere, letsencrypt, tahoe
- monkeysphere: Handle importing new OpenSSH format keys
- udiskie: unmount drive as superuser
- Updated translations for Telugu, Indonesian, and Italian

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:
- buoyantair
- ButterflyOfFire
- James Valleroy
- Joseph Nuthalapati
- Michael Pimmer
- Robert Martinez


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