[Freedombox-discuss] Radicale disabled

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Thu Feb 21 03:43:01 GMT 2019

On 20/02/19 11:57 am, Robert Pollak wrote:
> Is this one of the problems that will be fixed by version 19.1? Its
> release announcement had several items seemingly related to the Radicale
> update.
> I guess that simply keeping the old /etc/default/radicale (or even
> trying to reactivate Radicale via GUI) wouldn't make sense here.

I just documented the troubles with Radicale 2.x migration[1]. Summary:

- If you have waited for 19.1, FreedomBox would have taken care of
upgrade automatically.

- If you already manually upgraded to 2.x follow further manual steps to
complete migration.




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