[Freedombox-discuss] OpenVPN Installation on Beagle Bone Black locks out web access

Steven Ng steveng5 at protonmail.com
Mon Jan 14 22:42:43 GMT 2019

I installed OpenVPN on a Beagle Bone Black with Testing. After configuring and downloading the keys, I rebooted the system and was unable to connect to the FreedomBox with my web browser. I was able to connect over SSH and if I shutdown the firewall, I was able to connect with the browser. /var/log/firewalld had the errors below. They seem to correspond to when I started the installation and began configuring the profile. Note - this will lock out the typical users without SSH access. Also, I've had experiences where I was denied access to SSH and pings to the box were filtered.

2019-01-10 22:43:04 ERROR: '/sbin/iptables-restore -w -n' failed: iptables-restore
v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:04 ERROR: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed: ip6tables-restor
e v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:09 ERROR: COMMAND_FAILED: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed:
ip6tables-restore v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:27 ERROR: '/sbin/iptables-restore -w -n' failed: iptables-restore
v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:27 ERROR: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed: ip6tables-restor
e v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:33 ERROR: COMMAND_FAILED: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed:
ip6tables-restore v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 22:43:34 ERROR: INVALID_ZONE
2019-01-10 22:44:56 ERROR: UNKNOWN_INTERFACE: 'eth0' is not in any zone
2019-01-10 23:00:24 ERROR: '/sbin/iptables-restore -w -n' failed: iptables-restore
v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 23:00:24 ERROR: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed: ip6tables-restor
e v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-10 23:00:26 ERROR: COMMAND_FAILED: '/sbin/ip6tables-restore -w -n' failed:
ip6tables-restore v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain INPUT
line 4: RULE_REPLACE failed (No such file or directory): rule in chain OUTPUT

2019-01-14 10:36:36 ERROR: Failed to apply rules. A firewall reload might solve the
issue if the firewall has been modified using ip*tables or ebtables.
2019-01-14 10:36:36 ERROR: '/usr/sbin/nft insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING
_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal' failed: Error: syntax error, unexpected
junk, expecting end of file or newline or semicolon
insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal

2019-01-14 11:48:34 ERROR: Failed to apply rules. A firewall reload might solve the
issue if the firewall has been modified using ip*tables or ebtables.
2019-01-14 11:48:34 ERROR: '/usr/sbin/nft insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING
_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal' failed: Error: syntax error, unexpected
junk, expecting end of file or newline or semicolon
insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal

2019-01-14 11:48:39 ERROR: Failed to apply rules. A firewall reload might solve the
issue if the firewall has been modified using ip*tables or ebtables.
2019-01-14 11:48:39 ERROR: '/usr/sbin/nft insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING
_ZONES iifname eth0 goto raw_PRE_internal' failed: Error: Could not process rule: N
o such file or directory
insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING_ZONES iifname eth0 goto raw_PRE_internal

2019-01-14 12:12:09 ERROR: Failed to apply rules. A firewall reload might solve the
issue if the firewall has been modified using ip*tables or ebtables.
2019-01-14 12:12:09 ERROR: '/usr/sbin/nft insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING
_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal' failed: Error: syntax error, unexpected
junk, expecting end of file or newline or semicolon
insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING_ZONES iifname tun+ goto raw_PRE_internal

2019-01-14 12:12:11 ERROR: Failed to apply rules. A firewall reload might solve the
issue if the firewall has been modified using ip*tables or ebtables.
2019-01-14 12:12:11 ERROR: '/usr/sbin/nft insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING
_ZONES iifname eth0 goto raw_PRE_internal' failed: Error: Could not process rule: N
o such file or directory
insert rule inet firewalld raw_PREROUTING_ZONES iifname eth0 goto raw_PRE_internal

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