[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox as file server?

Joseph Nuthalapati njoseph at riseup.net
Mon Mar 11 06:03:36 GMT 2019


Congrats on setting up your FreedomBox.

If you're on FreedomBox testing/buster, there's an app called Sharing,
which can be used to serve files from a directory using the Apache web
server. Access restrictions to the directories are based on LDAP user


On 07/03/19 8:07 pm, Kevin Steen wrote:
> I just took the plunge and set up my first FreedomBox - congratulations
> to everyone who has worked to make this possible.
> Of course I have a few questions...
> Is there a FreedomBox-way to setup file serving?
> I've got sftp working, but that requires the user account to be an admin
> user. Is there a way to allow sftp access using another LDAP group?
> The FreedomBox appears in my File Manager (Thunar) under Browse Network,
> but with a suggested username of fbx and path /home/fbx. I modified the
> Avahi service definition to remove both of those so that double-clicking
> logs in with my account name.
> Is there a standard place to store user files, other than
> /home/<username>? I'm thinking of something like:
>   /files/
>   /files/usb1
> as something easier for novices to understand.
> Thanks in advance
> -Kevin
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Joseph Nuthalapati

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