[Freedombox-discuss] Request for Comments: Agenda Items for 2020 Summit - UI

Fioddor Superconcentrado fioddor at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 22:47:29 GMT 2020

My proposal (WIP): https://wiki.debian.org/fioddor/FBfeatures

El mié, 2 dic 2020 a las 21:17, permondes - sagen (<sagen at permondes.de>)

> Am Mittwoch, den 02.12.2020, 18:11 +0100 schrieb Fioddor Superconcentrado:
> El mié., 2 dic. 2020 a las 17:22, permondes - sagen (<sagen at permondes.de>)
> escribió:
> I would like to suggest a change in the user interface and in
> documentation.
> Let's start with documentation/manual (the wiki).
> Currently the manual is *software* (buzz word "apps") centered. I think it
> should be *application* centered, so what can the user do with it.
> I fully agree with your vision. Please, join the summit.
> And since you're volunteering, I suggest you to start with the wiki
> because it...well, it's a wiki! Let's just build the user-centric
> description outside the Manual section (perhaps extending the 'Features'
> section (?)), for the moment.
> I like this idea. Before starting, I would like to get further feedback
> and a common consent on Friday.
> P.S. The german translation of the wiki/help pages also needs a lot of
> work and contributing translations is a great way to learn about how to
> deal with the system.
> I did a lot of work on it when I started using the FreedomBox in 2015
> (celebrating my 5 years now :-). My name there: Drahtseil.
> I stopped working on it, when it was decided to set up the separate web
> page freedombox.org. My impression was that eventually the manual should
> have moved there. Is this still planned?
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