[Freedombox-discuss] Announcement: Automatic update to next stable release

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Thu Dec 31 03:51:36 GMT 2020


This announcement concerns all users of FreedomBox on Debian stable (Buster). At some point in 2021, there will be a new Debian stable release (Bullseye).

Over the last several releases of FreedomBox, we have added a feature that will allow the box to update itself (dist-upgrade) to Bullseye after it is released as stable. The update should work automatically in most cases, but in some special cases (such as advanced customization made to the system) it could run into an issue.

This update feature is recommended, and enabled by default for stable systems. If needed, it can be disabled on the System -> Update page, by clearing the "Enable auto-update to next stable release" checkbox. Note that if you want to keep it enabled, you should also have "Enable auto-update" enabled.

If you decide to stay on Buster, please check this page to see how long it will be supported by Debian security team:

In addition, after Bullseye release, buster-backports will not have new versions of FreedomBox (instead, they will go to bullseye-backports).

James Valleroy

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