[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox 20.12 released

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Tue Jun 30 02:32:32 BST 2020

FreedomBox 20.12 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable.
Typically, it will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be
uploaded to stable-backports.


- apt: Recover from errors before installing apps or updating system
- apache: Add strict content security policy, sandbox and other security
- storage: Allow ejecting SATA disks
- configuration: Allow changes using .d drop-in files

Other Changes

- configuration: Move default configuration into source code
- configuration: Read from multiple locations in /etc/ and /usr/share/
- debian: Add ssl-cert and nscd as proper dependencies
- frontpage: Allow adding shotcuts using .d drop-in files
- frontpage: Read shortcuts from multiple locations in /etc/, /usr/share
and /var/lib
- locale: Update translations for Czech, Danish, French, German,
Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish
- storage: Automount system disks without partition table but ignore all
loopback devices
- storage: Allow ejecting SATA disks
- storage: Show only physical disks and not all mount points
- upgrades: Skip enabling backports on testing and unstable
- upgrades: Show more logs
- ui: Show a spinner and disable button on form submit

The following people contributed to the git repository for this release:

- Éfrit
- ferhad.necef
- Fioddor Superconcentrado
- James Valleroy
- Jens Molgaard
- Joseph Nuthalapati
- Michael Breidenbach
- Oğuz Ersen
- Pavel Borecki
- Sunil Mohan Adapa
- Thomas Vincent
- Veiko Aasa
- wind

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