[Freedombox-discuss] [GSoC21] Interest in FreedomBox email project

Steven Chamberlain steven at pyro.eu.org
Tue Apr 13 19:00:28 BST 2021

Hi Fioddor,

Fioddor Superconcentrado wrote:
> Please, upload your proposal to Google's webapp for GSoC21 ASAP.
> Find also the application tasks detailed in
> https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TODO/GSoC2021. Since you have scant time
> left and you're familiar with email tech I believe the analysis document
> would be safer to do, in your case.

I managed to upload my final proposal to the GSoC portal in time, and
have published a research document at:

Many thanks!

Kind regards,
Steven Chamberlain
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